Tubular Security Fencing Sydney
No matter the level and look of the property, the importance of security is a vital factor for every property owner. It’s imperative to ensure that your property, both domestic and commercial, is secure from unwanted visitors, possible theft and vandalism.

Longain Fencing is committed to supplying and installing custom tubular fencing solutions designed to secure residential and rural properties throughout NSW.

We find a fencing solution that best meets your individual requirements no matter how challenging the project. Whether you are looking to deter outside aggressors, protect livestock and produce, build protective barriers around pools and spas, or install attractive property partitions, Longain Fencing’s comprehensive range is bound to have a fencing style that suits your needs.

If you’re searching for top-quality security fencing in Sydney, the Longain team also offers fully-equipped installation services to professionally install your choice of tubular fencing.

Longain Fencing can offer you a range of high-quality fencing for your properties located in Greater Sydney, Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Newcastle, the Southern Highlands & Illawarra.
Tubular Fence
Our Tubular / Pool fences are just the right choice for your property in Sydney, Australia. Whether you are after an attractive yet affordable fence for the front of your property in Newcastle or are looking for a fence to secure your pool area, think no more; come and see what styles we can offer you.
Longain Fencing can offer you a range of high-quality security fencing for your properties located in Greater Sydney, Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Newcastle, the Southern Highlands & Illawarra

What Is Tubular Security Fencing

A popular partition choice that elevates any residential or commercial setting, tubular fencing can be applied to a number of decorative or security-related applications. It is one of the most recognisable styles of security fencing located around pools, bordering the front of properties, and keeping children and pets within backyards.

Benefits of Tubular Fencing

This lightweight yet durable security fencing option can be manufactured from the highest-quality steel or aluminium and finished with powder-coating for added protection against the outside elements. At Longain Fencing, we turn to the following materials as they guarantee long-term security from all things that lie beyond your fence boundary, giving you peace of mind.

Its elegant appearance also allows you to make the most of an uninterrupted view of your property without decreasing its value.

Choosing to install tube fencing guarantees the following benefits:

  • Comes in various sizes and materials
  • Can be manufactured and customised to your specifications
  • Variety of colours and finishes to match your property
  • Cost-effective
  • Allows for great visibility
  • Provides maximum strength and durability

When it comes to utmost protection against vandalism and damage to your property, tube fences tick every box.

As security fences, each pointed picket is passed through punched rails with silicone bronze welded to the top and bottom of each rail. This specialised technique keeps the following fence sturdy, even when exposed to Australia’s harsh and unpredictable weather conditions, including storms and wind.

The security fencing is then reinforced to last longer and treated with our choice of powder coating. The coating comes in a range of designer colours, is toxic-free and durable to fight off corrosion and rust, while still matching the aesthetics of your property. As a result, the tubular fence will both look stunning and require little maintenance.

Why Choose Us

Our security fencing options are customisable. With a range of styles, designs and profiles, our experts will work with you one-on-one and match you with the fencing solution that suits your property the best.

On top of our design possibilities, we can install a range of security measures for added protection. Whether you desire dead-bolted gates, automated and manual gates, key entry deadlocks or a digital keypad lock, our installers can explain the benefits of each product to help you make the right choice.

Our fencing specialists can supply custom lengths and fence heights upon request. Meanwhile the tops of our pickets can be crimped, capped, reverse crimped, or cranked (feature spears pointing inwards)- the possibilities of tubular fencing styles are endless!

Building a new property from scratch? Our friendly, experienced team will be happy to go over your concepts and ideas and propose custom solutions, designed especially for securing your property.

If you’re curious about our completed fencing solutions for residential, commercial and agricultural projects, feel free to browse our gallery.

Our Projects

Our team of fencing installers in Longain Fencing is proud of their proven track record of completing commercial fencing projects on time and on budget. Whether we have undertaken a variety of applications ensuring quality, attention-to-detail and uncompromised results. Contact us today if you require our fencing services.